
Explore what we’re learning about improving health in cities.

Showing 1 to 9 of 12 items

Urban health

Mum and child walking along the pavement in a London street
Caesar Gordon
Caesar Gordon
Portfolio Manager
Latest updates

Acting on health inequalities and rebuilding trust in the health system

We're partnering with NHS South East London Integrated Care Board (SEL ICB) to improve health outcomes of people from Black backgrounds. 

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Urban health

Image of a Black man. He is sat on a fence on a street in London
Kamna Muralidharan
Kamna Muralidharan
Programme Director
Latest updates
21 Mar 2024

Why we’re backing the Black Health Inequalities Summit

We’re proud to support the Black Health Inequalities Summit, hosted by the Caribbean & African Health Network. 

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Multiple long-term conditions

Impact on Urban Health logo
Impact on Urban Health
Latest updates

Exploring the links between community debt advice and better health

At Impact on Urban Health we know that our mental, physical and financial health are all connected. Our new partnership with the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) explores how better debt advice can improve the health of people struggling with the cost of living.

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Colourful London residential buildings, photograph by Marine Le Priol
Dr Omar Hammoud Gallego, Fellow in Political Science and Public Policy at The LSE’s School of Public Policy
Omar Hammoud Gallego
Fellow in Political Science and Public Policy at The LSE’s School of Public Policy
Latest updates
14 Feb 2024

Civic Data Innovation Challenge Awards: Migrant Democracy Project

Migrant Democracy Project exists for migrants at home in the UK who want to shape a society based on social justice, reflecting their needs and interests, through community power building.

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Image of a public crossing at Waterloo
Image of Nick Lancaster
Nick Lancaster
Researcher at Neighbourly Lab
Latest updates
01 Feb 2024

Civic Data Innovation Challenge: Neighbourly Lab

The Neighbourly Lab gathers data to increase social connection, build communities, and reduce loneliness. Nick Lancaster tells us more.

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Urban health

Image of exterior of a flat
Sham Rajyaguru
Sham Rajyaguru
Communications Manager
Latest updates

How overheating homes are turning the climate crisis into a health crisis

We’re supporting the Bureau of Investigative Journalism’s Hot Homes project, alongside the Google News Initiative, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Necessity. 

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Children's mental health

A man with his child
Lauren Gasser
Lauren Gasser
Communications Manager
Latest updates

Growing stronger together: insights into children’s healthy social development

A review of national data, academic research, and families’ experiences to understand how the policy landscape around children’s mental health and social development can be more equitable and impactful.

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Urban health

Two Black women laughing together
Sham Rajyaguru
Sham Rajyaguru
Communications Manager
Latest updates

Building long-term partnerships to support the health of Black people living in urban places

We're developing a new strategic partnership with Black Thrive Global.

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Health effects of air pollution

Ambulance outside of Guys hospital
Photo of Tanja Dalle Muenchmeyer
Tanja Dalle-Muenchmeyer
Air Quality Manager Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Latest updates
15 Jun 2023

Guy’s and St Thomas’ air quality partnership

Tanja from Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust explores how, through our partnership, we’ve been designing solutions to reduce air pollution.

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