
Health effects of air pollution

Influencing the local and national air pollution agenda

Partnering with the Clean Air Fund to accelerate London and nation-wide change on the issue

Key partnership information

Partner: Clean Air Fund

Funding amount: £2,000,000 over 3 years

Programme: health effects of air pollution


What we’re doing together

The Clean Air Fund is a philanthropic initiative with a mission to tackle air pollution around the world. It brings together funders, researchers, policy makers and campaigners to find and scale solutions that will provide clean air for all.

We have invested in the Clean Air Fund’s work to accelerate the change we will need to see to address air pollution and related health inequalities over the next three years across London and nation-wide.

Other funding partners include IKEA Foundation, Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, Bernard van Leer Foundation, Oak Foundation and the FIA Foundation.

Cleaning up our toxic air will improve our health, reduce pressure on our overstretched NHS and make our cities better places to live. But progress to date has been slow. Together, our partnership will drive forward and influence the air pollution agenda nationally, as well as share the lessons learnt across the UK, and beyond.

Jane Burston Executive Director, Clean Air Fund

Aims of the partnership

We hope our partnership with the CAF will help us to:

  1. Learn from and connect to leading cities around the world who are working to address air pollution
  2. Work effectively on issues that are best addressed at London or national level – for example, investments in data
  3. Provide a route to share insights and learning from our programme

Connection to our strategy

To reduce exposure of those most susceptible to air pollution, it is clear that we need to influence and drive change beyond our boroughs. For example, influencing national legislation to ensure the UK’s legal limits are in line with WHO guidance for particulate matter. We cannot do this alone and believe that being part of a collective global movement will accelerate this change.

More about the Clean Air Fund

The Clean Air Fund is a philanthropic initiative with a mission to tackle air pollution around the world

Visit their website
Kate Langford, Programme Director for the health effects of air pollution

Have questions about our partnership with the Clean Air Fund?

Kate Langford is the Programme Director of our health effects of air pollution programme.

Contact Kate to find out more