
Insights from our team and partners.

Showing 64 to 72 of 114 items

Urban health

Rowena Estwick
Rowena Estwick
Former Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Director
04 Mar 2021

Urban health inequality: then, now, and in the future

What we’ve learned so far about global urban health inequality, and how we’re taking action in cities and other urban areas.

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Health effects of air pollution

Kate Langford
Kate Langford
Programme Director
11 Feb 2021

Building the evidence base for healthier streets

Programme Director Kate Langford shares more on our pilot to test ways to make our streets easier and safer for local residents to walk, cycle and spend time.

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Health effects of air pollution

Kate Langford
Kate Langford
Programme Director
11 Feb 2021

A coronavirus legacy: better air quality for better health

Programme Director Kate Langford shares why improving air quality to improve our health is such a fitting legacy from COVID-19.

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Multiple long-term conditions

Portrait of Shannon
Impact on Urban Health logo
Impact on Urban Health

Shannon’s story

Shannon is a 55-year-old single mother with four teenagers. Her precarious working conditions negatively impacted her health, especially when she couldn’t take paid time off work when she needed it.

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Multiple long-term conditions

Illustration of Andrea, sitting in a chair
Impact on Urban Health logo
Impact on Urban Health

Andrea’s story

Andrea is a 44-year-old and originally from Latin America. Her housing conditions were extremely bad, and they made her feel sick. Though the damp in her house made her asthma worse, better housing was unaffordable to her.

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Multiple long-term conditions

Illustration of Daliya
Impact on Urban Health logo
Impact on Urban Health

Daliya’s story

Daliya is a 27-year-old mother with multiple long-term health conditions living in South London. Her income fluctuated from month to month and her financial struggles had a huge impact on her mental health.

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Multiple long-term conditions

Portrait of Luisa
Impact on Urban Health logo
Impact on Urban Health

Luisa’s story

Luisa is a 28-year-old mother of two young children, aged one and four. She lives with depression and anxiety. When Luisa's finances caused her depression to worsen, this manifested itself through physical symptoms.

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Research and development COVID-19

Group of men walking away
Louise Mousseau
Louise Mousseau
Portfolio Director
25 Jan 2021

New portfolio to increase access to information about the COVID-19 vaccine

Portfolio Director Louise Mousseau talks about our new portfolio focused on creating equitable access to trusted information about the vaccines.

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Urban health

Anne Kazimirski
Anne Kazimirski
Evidence and Impact Director
25 Jan 2021

Diversifying evidence to tackle urban health inequalities

Evidence and Impact Director Anne Kazimirski shares how we use evidence both to inform our programmes and influence national and international policy.

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Showing 64 to 72 of 114 items
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